The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Geranium 'Memories'

Genus: Geranium.

Species: Geranium cinereum.

Planted 05.08 Vistabile rockery house end

Bought Malvern Spring Flower Show 05.08 £2 ....10% reduction = 10 plants for £18

Recent introduction with flowers above a mat-forming mound of grey-green foliage. A good, strong grower. Named in memory of Aad Zoet.

Position: sunny or light shaded

Exposure: hardy

Flowers: June - Sept
Colour: dark pink/deep pinkish red flowers, red veins & dark centre
Shape: saucer

Height: 10 - 15 cm
Spread: 30cm

June-September flowering. The saucer-shaped, deep pink-red flowers held over grey-green leaves. A good mat-forming plant. Wiull grow in sun or semi-shade in most garden soils. 15 x 30cm (6" x 12")

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due over 11 years ago:


Clip plants lightly after flowering is over, to promote bushy growth from the middle.