The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Curly Water Thyme [V]

Genus: Lagarosiphon.

Species: Lagarosiphon major.

Planted 06 Vistabile

Bought 06 at Water World, Booker Garden Centre

Type of plant: Submerged oxygenating plant

L. major, also known as Elodea crispa makes a dense submerged aquatic perennial that is excellent as an oxygenator, which has stems capable of hiding baby fish from predators. It enjoys ponds and slow moving water, where its mass of branches have numerous, linear, spirally arranged leaves

Skill Level: Beginner

Hardiness: Hardy

Exposure: Full sun

Planting depth: 25cm (10in) to 75cm (30in)

Flower colour: occasionally produce very small pink flowers in summer, although these are often overlooked.

Height and spread: 2m to 3m (6ft to 9.8ft) widespreading strands outlined with short, curly leaves
Stems can reach 1m (3ft) long.

Tips: Plant one bunch for about every square metre of surface area to ensure good water oxygenation. Thin out excess growth regularly in the summer to prevent it swamping the pond. Being evergreen it also works in winter. The stems hide baby fish from predators.

As this species can be invasive in the wild it should not be allowed to spread into areas outside your own garden.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due over 16 years ago:


Thin out excess growth regularly in the summer to prevent it swamping the pond.

Take cuttings

Time to take cuttings: April to August

Due almost 16 years ago:


Divide plants April to June

Take cuttings

Time to take cuttings: April to August

Due over 15 years ago:


Thin out excess growth regularly in the summer to prevent it swamping the pond.

Due almost 15 years ago:


Divide plants April to June

Take cuttings

Time to take cuttings: April to August

Due almost 14 years ago:

Take cuttings

Time to take cuttings: April to August


Divide plants April to June

Due over 13 years ago:

Thin out

Thin out excess growth regularly in the summer to prevent it swamping the pond.

Due almost 13 years ago:

Take cuttings

Time to take cuttings: April to August


Divide plants April to June

Due almost 12 years ago:


Divide plants April to June

Take cuttings

Time to take cuttings: April to August

Due over 11 years ago:

Thin out

Thin out excess growth regularly in the summer to prevent it swamping the pond.