Xela's Garden
Blanketflower [V]
Genus: Gaillardia.
Species: Gaillardia aristata.
Planted '07 Vistabile front lounge border
10.19 " " " "
Bought ? from ? for £?
10.19 from Morrisons for £3.00 for 2 plants
Select a position in full sun and ideally plant out in spring so the plant can establish before the onset of winter. It does best in poor soil as overly rich soil can encourage leaves at the expense of flowers. Dead-head old flowers as they fade to promote further flushes during the summer. Some discreet staking with bamboo canes may be necessary in windy gardens. Cut the entire plant to the ground in late autumn. Plants are not usually long lived but can be increased by division in spring, replanting pieces into a new position.
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due almost 14 years ago:
increased by division in spring, replanting pieces into a new position.
Due almost 12 years ago:
see previous notes
Due almost 5 years ago:
increased by division in spring, replanting pieces into a new position.