Xela's Garden
Water Lettuce
Genus: Pistia.
Species: Pistia stratiotes.
Planted 07.08 Vistabile pond
Bought 07.08 at Cassington Nursery for £?
Position: Full sun
Hardiness: Frost tender
Flower height: Insignificant
Spread: Forms clumps
Flowering period: Insignificant
Propagation: Divide clumps in summer
Skill: Advanced
A lettuce-shaped plant with ribbed, velvety foliage and feathery roots. It needs a warm summer to do well and is killed quickly by frost. Overwinter indoors or buy new plants in summer.
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due over 16 years ago:
Over - winter
Over winter indoors
Due almost 16 years ago:
Replace in pond
Return to pond when all threat of frost has gone.
Due over 15 years ago:
Over winter
Over - winter indoors.
Due almost 15 years ago:
Replace in pond
Return to pond when all threat of frost has gone.
Due almost 14 years ago:
Replace in pond
Return to pond when all threat of frost has gone.
Due over 13 years ago:
Over - winter indoors.
Due almost 13 years ago:
Replace in pond
Return to pond when all threat of frost has gone.
Due over 12 years ago:
Over - winter indoors.
Due almost 12 years ago:
Replace in pond
Return to pond when all threat of frost has gone.
Due over 11 years ago:
Over winter indoors