Kerryjoe's Garden
Mahonia Charity(lily of the valley bush)
Genus: Mahonia.
Species: Mahonia x media.
Purchased from - Ebay 2006
Purchase cost - very cheap approx £1.00 each
Current height x spread 2008 - 1m x 80cm
Expected height x spread - 400cm x 400cm
Habit - Evergreen with very spikey leaves and canary yellow flowers grown on raceames from October to March. Flowers are followed by purple berries hanging along the branches
Garden placement - Along front garden path
Personal notes - need to look up pruning or transplanting as grow too large for current position. See if possible to standardise. Look into seed propagation.
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due over 16 years ago:
Sow outdoors
Collect seed and sow outdoors in pots as prefers cold