Xela's Garden
Geranium Scented ... Richard Gibbs [V]
Genus: Pelargonium.
Species: Pelargonium.
Planted ? Vistabile scented pelargonium collection trough
Bought ? from ? for £?
Genus Pelargonium
MGenus: Pelargonium () - L'Héritier ex W. Aiton, 1789 - Geranium
Cultivar: Richard Gibbs
Botanical name: - Pelargonium 'Richard Gibbs'
Perennial with rarely entire leaves. Flowers showy, umbellate , irregular. Posticous sepal prolonged into a nectiferous spur. Fruit beaked .
A genus of 250 species, mostly S. African and tropical . Also E. Mediterranean region, S. Arabia, India, Australia and New Zealand. Represented in Pakistan by 1 cultivated species.
Physical Description:
Flowers: Erect stems bear five-petaled flowers in umbel-like clusters called pseudoumbels (2 upper & 3 lower petals that are not equal in size). Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
Foliage: Velvety fuzzy-textured evergreen foliage . Summer foliage: Leaves are usually alternate, and palmately lobed or pinnate.
Size: 12-36" tall.
Landscape Uses: Beds . Borders . Pots. Contaners. Hanging baskets. Indoor house plants .
Care: Drought tolerant .
Remove flowers when faded to promote reblooming and improve appearance .
Fertilize monthly from March through October and every other month during the fall and winter months. Use one tablespoon of 20-20-20 fertilizer , or two tablespoons of a 10-10-10 fertilizer per gallon of water or a similar formula. If in a low-light area, reduce the rate of fertilization accordingly.
Culture: Space 18-24" apart. Protect from strong winds. Propagate from herbaceous stem cuttings (allow cut area to harden before planting ), from seed, and by serpentine layering.
Soil: Needs well-drained, slightly acidic soil. A growing medium that is high in organic material , such as a freely-draining mix for houseplants, is satisfactory for geraniums. Another good growing mix consists of equal parts garden loam , peat moss and coarse sand or perlite. Can tolerate soil acidity from 6.1 to 7.8 pH.
Sunlight: Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade. Prefers full sun with 6-8 hours of sunlight each day.
oisture: Water Requirements: Drench soil thoroughly, then allow to become moderately dry before watering again. Never allow the plants to dry out to the point of wilting or the leaves will turn yellow and drop off.
Temperature: Cold Hardiness: 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11.
Other scented Pelargonium:
P. abrotanifolium (Scented Geranium)
P. capitatum (Rose Scented Geranium) ·
P. capitatum 'Attar of Roses' (Attar of Roses) ·
P. citriodorum (Geranium) · P. citronellum 'Mabel Gray' (Scented Geranium) · P. citrosum (Citronella Plant) · P. citrosum 'Orange' (Scented Geranium) · P. citrosum 'Van Leenii' (Scented Geranium) ·
P. crispum (Scented Geranium)
P. crispum 'Latifolium' (Lemon-Scented Geranium) · P. crispum 'Lemon' (Scented Geranium) · P. crispum 'Minor' (Lemon-Scented Geranium) ·
P. denticulatum (Pine Geranium) · P. denticulatum 'Filicifolium' (Pine Geranium)
P. fragrans (Nutmeg Geranium) · P. fragrans 'Old Spice' (Sweet-Leaved Geranium) · P. fragrans 'Snowy Nutmeg' (Nutmeg Geranium) · P. fragrans 'Variegatum' (Nutmeg Geranium)
P. graveolens 'Chicago Rose' (Chicago Rose Scented Geranium) · P. graveolens 'Grey Lady Plymouth' (Scented Geranium) · P. graveolens 'Old Fashioned Rose' (Scented Geranium) · P. graveolens 'Rober's Lemon Rose' (Scented Geranium)
P. ionidiflorum (Celery Scented Pelargonium) ·
P. nervosum 'Lime' (Scented Geranium) ·
P. nervosum 'Torento' (Ginger-Scented Geranium)
P. odoratissimum 'Apple' (Scented Geranium) · P. panduriforme (Oakleaf Garden Scented Geranium) P. pseudoglutinosum (Scented Geranium) ·
P. quercifolium (Almond-Scented Geranium) · P. quercifolium 'Fair Ellen' (Almond-Scented Geranium) · P. quercifolium 'Giganteum' (Almond-Scented Geranium) · P. quercifolium 'Staghorn Oak' (Almond-Scented Geranium) · P. quercifolium 'Village Hill Oak' (Almond-Scented Geranium)
[Source: http://zipcodezoo.com/Plants/P/Pelargonium__Richard_Gibbs_/ ]
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due almost 12 years ago:
Fertilize monthly from March through October (and every other month during the fall and winter months).
Take cuttings
Propagate from herbaceous stem cuttings (allow cut area to harden before planting )