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New front bed
- 24 Sep, 2009
My new Hellebores, the Sambucus Nigra which was dying in the pot, some phlox which was pretty rubbish in the summer, the hardest Hibiscus in the world, the nice Alstroemeria which has finally stopped flowering and a Weigela which has had a severe chop. These are the candidates who I have chosen to put in this bed, as the soil is poor, it has about 4 hours sun at most and eveything which has been in before has done very badly - wish it luck!!
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Gardening with friends since
11 Jan, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009
Like your choices - should look great! Can't wait to see the hibiscus and alstroemeria when they've matured a bit.
29 Sep, 2009