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Encomis seeds
By Dorjac
- 23 Oct, 2009
Some think the pineapple lily is weird but I like the way the flowers change into delicate papery seed protectors. the leaves can have good autumn colour too
Comments on this photo
Hi Motinot the seeds germinate themselves easily. If they were planted in a pot I'm not sure. I found several tiny bulbs with leaves about 2 inches long under some Day Lily leaves when I was planting out daffodils recently.
23 Oct, 2009
Unusual...but very pretty.......
23 Oct, 2009
I've grown these in the past but not for a while now. I think I'll start to grow them again next year. They're fascinating. Good pic too :o)
24 Oct, 2009
I have some seeds if anyone is interested in giving them a try. I think they take about five years to flower from seed though.
14 Nov, 2009
I've never found any seedlings Dorjac....I just love Eucomis...especially 'sparkling burgundy'....:>)
24 Jan, 2011
That is Carol Kleins favourite Eucomis. My bulbs are huge, as hers were, but not Eucomis Burgundy.They are are a very late bulb to show activity, so any seedlings may be late germinators too. They pop up under other plants and hide themselves. My plants are in pots on the patio, but do drop seeds on soil. If any sprout I will let you know and you can decide if you want any plantlets
24 Jan, 2011
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Ooh nice Dorjac...Are these easy to germinate?
23 Oct, 2009