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My 1st ever flower arrangement

My 1st ever flower arrangement

I have just completed an 8 week course & the organizers wanted to give us a gift. As a surprise they bought in a florist who made up the base of the arrangements & we were given flowers to complete one for ourselves. I never knew how much fun it was, so looks like I could have another new hobby, such a thoughtful gift

Comments on this photo


Nice arrangment Littledove

27 Apr, 2008


very well done, i like it

27 Apr, 2008


This is Beautiful Littledove very Artistic :D

27 Apr, 2008


Iv just qualified as a florist and I think you have done a really good job on this arrangement you must have an eye for it. Lovely

28 Jul, 2008


so artistic your good

7 May, 2009

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