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By Charlie727

3 Aug, 2008
ive just nipped out to the garden and thought i would show you how our spring onions and carrots are getting on--im very impressed
Comments on this photo
thank-you,i thought these would look quite charming along side a sunday dinner-but am gonna wait till they are bigger
this is our first time growing our own veggies and they all begun as seeds so am made up with the results :)
3 Aug, 2008
Charlie me to and I to grow form seed its exciting seeing them grow,.
3 Aug, 2008
most definately-i really appreciate all the hard work and effort it takes to grow them but its worth it
3 Aug, 2008
Hi Charlie and Scotkat,
Its my first time for growing any veg, i also have started all from seed, i have been growing them in big pots, mine is abit bigger, but that mite be because i may have started them earlier, i am so pleased with them i dont want to pick them, i just like showing everyone who visits, how cleaver i am, lol, it is such a good feeling, i will pick and take a photo, yes
12 Aug, 2008
yes please-also make something with your veggies and invite your friends and family over to eat your home grown organic goods
hope this helps and good luck :)
12 Aug, 2008
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Charlie I am growing Baby carrots and Spring Onions for the first time.
Mine are not quite as big ,but are showing signs of same shapes as yours.
Not sure when they would b eready so will keep watching your posts.
3 Aug, 2008