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Toad lily.

Toad lily.

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Comments on this photo


Nice Catch Of a Lovely Lily Newfienurse :)

26 Oct, 2008


Very pretty. Good pic as well.....

28 Oct, 2008


Are Toad Lilys 4 indoors only Newfienurse? :)

28 Oct, 2008


I only keep them outside,they don't bloom until late...I did take the pic inside. I am down to only 4 now, after upsetting 2 during autumn gardening maintenance. :(

29 Oct, 2008


Do they do well in Newfoundland? I've been thinking of trying some out here in Kamloops but I'm not sure if they'll survive winter. I really like them.

21 Nov, 2008


yes, they do well here. don't bloom until fall though. they are nice, and different.

21 Nov, 2008

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