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By Lujean


violet tea just fresh violets or dry them first it is so nice I hope you all enjoy it. thanks for such a nice day.

Comments on this photo


I didn't know you could make tea from violets. I'll have to try it.

9 Apr, 2009


MMmmm, I have never tried this. I also make herbal tea. I use lavender, lemon balm and lime flower. I get the limeflower on-line but the other items are in my garden.

I enjoy picking and drying and mixing them in a big bowl. MMmm. This tea is "sleepy tea" and good for relaxing, I sweeten with a little honey also good for you.

What recipe do you have? What salves do you make? I am very interested in the herbs and their traditional uses.

Janie :)

19 Apr, 2009


What pretty looking tea in your glass teapot :)

1 May, 2009

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