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By Pamd


Not sure what seedhead this is, deffinately not a dandelion. It's not in my garden.

Comments on this photo


If it had a yellow flower its called Goats Beard, I've just collected some seed today! I think the other plant with a seed head like this is Corn Cockle which in the wild has purple flowers and thats definitely around in Cornwall. Perhaps someone else knows for sure?

19 Jun, 2010


This was in Rob Seniors garden Chloris, collector of rare plants. One of HPS garden visits. How are you. Jan has some news for you, going to Hampton with Jan. May be able to get your cloche back to you.

19 Jun, 2010


I've just had another idea on this seed head...Tragopogon(not Trago Mills Vic).
I,m only going in the afternoon of the 1st day at HC, tickets are really expensive now & then car park fees £9/£10 & 4 hours is enough anyway! Is the cloche ready then? Good old Vic!!

21 Jun, 2010


Hi Chloris
I shall look up "Trago Mills". Vic hasn't actually repaired the cloche yet, but I have another one the same, & if Janice can manage it in the car & of course going on the same day I'll get her to deliver. !!! I din't ask Jan about the seadhead, she also went to this garden.

22 Jun, 2010

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