The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Genus: Cyclamen

We are a community of garden lovers. On this page you will find:

  1. Where to buy Cyclamen plants & price comparison.
  2. Care tips & advice from our members.
  3. Photos of Cyclamen plants in real gardens.

This useful and attractive genus is made up of about 20 perennials that range from fully hardy to frost tender. There is such a variety of flowering seasons that there you can one for each month of the year!

Attractive foliage, often with silver streaks and purple undersides add to the attraction of the nodding flowers in cerise, pale pink and white. Some hardy varieties really thrive outside under trees and will flower profusely too.

Cyclamen were thought to treat baldness when taken as snuff and if made into a concoction to make special bread, acted as an ‘amorous medicine’!

Cyclamen to buy

Clicking on any of these plants will give you more information, you only leave this website if you decide to buy. You can see all the Cyclamen plants and Cyclamen seeds and bulbs for sale in our garden centre which lists products from over 25 popular websites.

We have 291 photos of Cyclamen plants in real gardens

These photos are from real gardens by real gardeners! Just click on one to start exploring.

You can also discover who's growing Cyclamen.

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  • Snowdrops and Cyclamen coum (Cyclamen coum (Cyclamen))
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  • Cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium (Hardy cyclamen))
    By surreylad


Care tips & Questions

This advice is from our members, if you can't find what you're looking for please ask your question of our friendly community.

Do slugs eat Cyclamen?

4 replies


18 Oct, 2008

Species of Cyclamen