Genus: Dianthus
We are a community of garden lovers. On this page you will find:
- Where to buy Dianthus plants & price comparison.
- Care tips & advice from our members.
- Photos of Dianthus plants in real gardens.
Most species are perennial herbs with pink flowers.
Dianthus to buy
Clicking on any of these plants will give you more information, you only leave this website if you decide to buy. You can see all the Dianthus plants and Dianthus seeds and bulbs for sale in our garden centre which lists products from over 25 popular websites.
Dianthus Gem 100 Plants + 60 Free
£14.49 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Sweet William Rouge Blush 100 Plants + 60 Free
£14.49 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Sweet William Fragrant Fever 50 Plants + 20 Free
£14.49 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Garden Scented Pinks Collection 6 Jumbo Ready Plants
£13.99 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Sweet William Rouge Blush 50 Plants + 20 Free
£13.49 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Dianthus Gem 50 Plants + 20 Free
£13.49 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Sweet William Festival Mixed* (60 Med Plants)
£10.95 at Unwins -
Dianthus Festival Mixed X 66 Medium Plug Plants
£9.99 at Blooming Direct
We have 388 photos of Dianthus plants in real gardens
These photos are from real gardens by real gardeners! Just click on one to start exploring.
You can also discover who's growing Dianthus.
- By DiOhio
- By spritzhe..
- By Janette
- By drc726
Care tips & Questions
This advice is from our members, if you can't find what you're looking for please ask your question of our friendly community.
Species of Dianthus
- Dianthus alpinus
- Dianthus amurensis
- Dianthus anatolicus
- Dianthus arenarius
- Dianthus armeria
- Dianthus barbatus
- Dianthus biflorus
- Dianthus brevicaulis
- Dianthus callizonus
- Dianthus campestris
- Dianthus capitatus
- Dianthus carthusianorum
- Dianthus caryophyllus
- Dianthus chinensis
- Dianthus cruentus
- Dianthus deltoides
- Dianthus erinaceus
- Dianthus freynii
- Dianthus fruticosus
- Dianthus furcatus
- Dianthus gallicus
- Dianthus giganteus
- Dianthus glacialis
- Dianthus gracilis
- Dianthus graniticus
- Dianthus gratianopolitanus
- Dianthus haematocalyx
- Dianthus knappii
- Dianthus lusitanus
- Dianthus microlepsis
- Dianthus monspessulanus
- Dianthus myrtinervius
- Dianthus nardiformis
- Dianthus nitidus
- Dianthus pavonius
- Dianthus petraeus
- Dianthus pinifolius
- Dianthus plumarius
- Dianthus pungens
- Dianthus repens
- Dianthus scardicus
- Dianthus seguieri
- Dianthus simulans
- Dianthus spiculifolius
- Dianthus squarrosus
- Dianthus subacaulis
- Dianthus superbus
- Dianthus sylvestris
- Dianthus zonatus