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Uvularia grandiflora var pallida - 2015
By Andrewr
- 2 May, 2015
Comments on this photo
Yes, they like a bit of shade and a soil containing humus, although they do seem to put up with it being on the dry side as well. This clump was planted six years ago. The whole border gets a feed in early spring each year (of concentrated chicken manure), but no other attention.
2 May, 2015
Thank you, Andrew, for the information. Will sometime add to my "woodland collection" or the more common yellow. Pallida = pale coloured.
2 May, 2015
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This photo is of "Uvularia grandiflora" in Andrewr's garden
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Now, I would like to ask you, Does this like the same growing conditions as Poygonatum and Smilacina, before I invest in one. That is a good size clump, how old?
2 May, 2015