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Gillb's Garden

Gillb has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent


Added on 15 Mar, 2010 | 0 photos

apeared summer 09 flowered spring 10 didn't know what it was but it's pritty

pasque flower

Added on 24 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Pulsatilla.
Species: Pulsatilla vulgaris.

Bought in sale no idea what it was till it started to flower. Realy pleased with my bargin buy.

day lily

Added on 15 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Planted 17th march 3 roots in raised bed.

anemone honorine jobert

Added on 15 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Only a few flowers this year, hope it improves as it matures.

Dwarf azalea

Added on 15 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Bleeding heart

Added on 15 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Caryopteris Worcester Gold

Added on 15 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Check when pruning needed.

Liatris Gayfeather

Added on 15 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Clamatis armandii Apple Blossom

Added on 15 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Vigorous climber, flowers March to May, Fragrant.


Added on 10 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Chocolate cosmos

Added on 10 Oct, 2008 | 1 photo

Hope I can keep this alive through the winter. Bought for me by my sister.


Added on 10 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Snow lady 'Ox Eye Daisy'

Added on 3 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Leucanthemum.
Species: Leucanthemum.

Purchased along with the Eryngium fom Morrisons (buy 2 save a £1) they both look healthy so once the weather imp...

eryngium planum

Added on 3 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

This is a new purchase so not yet decided where it's going to live.