The next step :o)
By hamylalo
Hi Folks
Thanks so much for all your lovely welcomes on my last blog – really appreciated :o)
I have been grafting in the “garden” for the last 3 days and have cleared almost everything out. We have lived with the garden for nearly two years now and there was nothing that we really wanted to keep. Oh by the way when I say ‘we’ I am referring to the royal we :o) Hubby and sons really aren’t interested, this is my baby. At least I don’t have to please anyone else other than me!
When I lifted the slabs there was a huge square of concrete with a small planting hole in the centre. The whole lot was about 15 foot square and at least a foot deep – I couldn’t reach the bottom. Cost wise it isn’t going to be possible to have it all removed so if I can’t go down, I have to go up!
I have uncovered a third step and removed the concrete with the stones set into it. I must admit it looks very disheartening at the mo but I’m clinging ont the thought of a lovely garden at the end.
For now I am going to gravel the central square and have the raised bed by the steps and drive edged properly. I think the way forward for me has to be raised planters.
Not sure if you can see the piccies very well as the sun was half on the garden.
The challenge continues!
31 May, 2010
Previous post: The challenge ahead!
Next post: Demolition Time when the bikes have gone!
Welcome to GOY.
31 May, 2010
It's a lot of work but you'll get there and it will look great :o)
It's nice you have the garden all to your self :o))
31 May, 2010
Recent posts by hamylalo
- Vanishing concrete & a 'Diet Coke' break!
3 Jul, 2010
- Demolition Time when the bikes have gone!
6 Jun, 2010
- The challenge ahead!
30 May, 2010
Making a start is always the first step of course and then a think!! I feel sure you will succeed with whatever route you decide to go down and of course we (fellow Goyers) will watch with interest and suggestions I feel sure. good luck!
31 May, 2010