baby robins
By heartnsol57
I am sorry to say that a cat got to my babies :( I was so very upset so I set the cat trap(a humane way) and I got the cat the first night. I called animal control and the picked up the cat. Now I make sure there is NO nest building in that spot so it won’t happen again
30 May, 2010
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:-( aww when I clicked I like this blog,I dont mean literally.I started with a arhh when I saw the photo,then the obvious argh.I am so sorry to hear this,I love robins,and in fact had a nest in my BBQ of all places,then one of the young were popping around my garden,being fed by mum.My Missy was a pain,chasing them,she's a dog,but even tho there was this pain of a dog to them,the mummy bird,or daddy,not sure which,still flew into my living room,not once but twice,where I gently got it out with the help of the pond net.I dont see baby much,but the robins still come for their feed :-) Anyway enough of my waffling,I am sure they will be back....sorry once again *hugs*.............x That is a beautiful photo btw
30 May, 2010
That's such a shame ... as a cat owner I know how awful it is to see them be so cruel ... even if it is a natural thing to them. My hubby rescued a baby blue tit that fell out of the birdhouse before it was ready & we were desperate to save it from the cats.
30 May, 2010
my cats have massive bells on and i always make sure they are working and loud as suki loves to catch birds,the other two are not bothered,i watch her trying to get it off im sure she swears at me in cat,sorry about your babies
30 May, 2010
OOOOO Thats sad I have a cat myself and I hate it when he catches birds
30 May, 2010
Mind you ... Phoebe can only catch moths....:o)
30 May, 2010
I am horrified at the cat trap? I am afraid I would not have taken it kindly if it had been my cat! Nature is nature no matter the animal.
30 May, 2010
So sorry your little ones didn't survive. We had a blackbird nesting at the front of our house (only inches from the door) in our Clematis. Sadly the trellis holding the plant up was a perfect "ladder" and a cat robbed the nest. This year the parents built a nest in the privet which goes over our back gate and is just above our heads as we go through. It was the perfect place for the nest as the hedge was impossible to climb and so well concealed. We weren't able to get any pictures as the entrance was about 7-8 ft high. John was up his ladder cutting the hedge and glimpsed one of the parents from the top sitting on the brood and immediately left the rest of the cutting until they fledged. Now the babies are flying around and squaring up to the Starlings who try to prevent them enjoying the food I put down for them. There is food on the table and in feeders but I suppose it is easier to stand on the ground!!!
31 May, 2010
I am sorry, but YES i felt the cat trap was humane. And as it turned out to be quite a farral cat, I was VERY happy to be rid of it. i am an animal lover( all kinds), but in this case I didn't "hate" the cat at all. I know it is in their nature but, as one reader said, she puts bells on her cat. At least that helps. Sorry, but this was a first for me and am sad it ended the way it did. Could have at least been those pesky sparrows! :(
2 Jun, 2010
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25 May, 2010
Thats so sad, I love all animals and i know the cat only done what cats do but its still heartbreaking, The same thing has happened lots of times in my garden from neighbours cats, i just wish there's something we could do but there's not, only hope the birds find safer nesting spots in future..
30 May, 2010