Winter blues
By holly
Hi, Decided to have a look at GOY this morning. Not been on the site for a long time. One or two messages have been left unread by me, to which I will reply. I had quite a few favourites but don’t know how to pick them up again, the site seems to have changed such a lot. I am still gardening but lost the enthusiasm for a long time as my husband passed away after a long illness. I am now back on track and this morning suffering winter blues I decided to have a look at some of the lovely photos to give me inspiration. In the autumn I had some work done on the back garden, my old apple tree is now gone and a new lawn has replaced it. I cleared a border so I will have a blank canvas to start in the spring, although I have already planted some new roses and one or two plants the garden looks sad, suppose this is because of the time of year. I am wanting my new border to be of pinks and blues so if anyone has ideas I would be grateful.
I can’t believe how many members there are and would like to wish everyone a Happy New Gardening Year.
Barbara x
31 Dec, 2012
More blog posts by holly
Previous post: Rainy Sunday
Hello Holly, you joined before me and since then goy has had to change I think because of its growth among other things
If you look at the top of the page (under the ads....a nessesary evil to fund the site I think)
You see 'hi holly' then your options
If you click on your name you go to your home page
Or if you click options choose one of those
Have a good look around then ask any questions and I,m sure someone will help
Welcome back x
31 Dec, 2012
Hello Holly. I've been here since April 2008 but don't remember seeing you at all.
Nice to have you back anyway, and I hope 2013 will be a good year for you.
Lots of members who were here when I joined have left (or at least don't contribute any more) but there are many lovely people in their place.
Sorry to hear your husband passed away and you're feeling down. Maybe joining in on GoY would help you feel a bit more uplifted.
Spring is on the way. I always like Jan and Feb because the days get longer, and bulbs etc come up in the garden. I find it so exciting :o)
Good luck with your new border :o)
Happy New Year ...
31 Dec, 2012
Hello Holly,lovely to meet you..Like Hywel,I'm not familiar with you either,having joined the year after..but welcome back..So sorry to hear about your sad loss,and hope you will enjoy being among a lot of nice friendly people. You will soon feel your way around GoY and the different layout..just ask if you get stuck..everyone will help if they can ..Going to look at your pics now..:o)
31 Dec, 2012
Hello Holly,
I'm new to goy and it's very nice to meet you. So sorry to hear about your husband. It's never easy to get over a lost one.
I hope that 2013 brings you joy, especially in the garden. Nature is the best tonic.
I like you colour choices (pinks and blues). What about some blue foliage plants? I'm not very creative but maybe some sea holly for an unusual garden plant?
Here's wishing you a very happy new year x
31 Dec, 2012
Hello Holly,
Sorry to hear about your husband. Welcome back to GOY. I like to think of next years projects to do in the garden at this time of the year, although it can be expensive (especially if I get too carried away!) lol. The pink and blue border sounds lovely and look forward to seeing photos of it. Wishing you all the best in the New Year.
31 Dec, 2012
Hello Holly welcome back I was sorry to read of your loss but so pleased you now feel ready and raring to go, I joined in 2008 and have enjoyed being a member, its part of my daily routine now, lol, too much sometimes as its easy to get engrossed but so good for the times when I`ve needed a pickmeup.
I have been browsing your photo`s, you have a lovely garden and I look forward to seeing your new border.
Best Wishes to You for 2013, I`ve added lots of sunshine to my wishlist for us all. Sue xx
31 Dec, 2012
I agree with Sue,your garden is lovely,and nice to see pics of Harlow Carr again too.We haven't been for a while now..I'm not familiar with York gate either,so that is a new one to me.Your suggestion of blues and pinks,made me think of Echinops for a subtle blue?Lovely perennial to blend in with most colours..As for the pinks..maybe a perennial sidalcea for height? It just depends what kind of plants you want..or whether you mean to fill with annuals.. Happy New year to you..:o).
31 Dec, 2012
Hello Holly, I have a pink blue and white border, my pinks come from Penstemons, fuchsias, and later kaffir lillies, I also have blue caryopteris.tTo name a few. Good luck with the new venture, I am sure it will give you great pleasure after your sad loss.
31 Dec, 2012
And Pink Heathers for the winter !
31 Dec, 2012
Welcome back, Holly! My two faves in pink and blue: Pink Gaura (Gaura lindheimeri) and 'Blue Mist' Pincushion (Scabiosa columbaria 'Blue Mist'). There is a "pink" form of the latter, but it is actually more of a lilac color.
1 Jan, 2013
Welcome back Holly, sorry to hear about your loss. I joined GoY nearly a year ago by accident asking a question. Since then I;ve made lots of friends and have become really addictive to the site. I love chatting to them, and especialy during the winter months, when you can't do much outside. Hope we hear lots from you and your revamp goes well, not going to suggest anything, only just keep looking and you'll soon pick up some ideas. :-))))) keep smiling x
4 Jan, 2013
Recent posts by holly
- Rainy Sunday
18 Nov, 2007
- Autumn clean up.
11 Nov, 2007
- Catching up.
2 Sep, 2007
- Survived the storms
17 Jul, 2007
- rain rain and more rain
29 Jun, 2007
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Hello Holly, you joined before me and since then goy has had to change I think because of its growth among other things
If you look at the top of the page (under the ads....a nessesary evil to fund the site I think)
You see 'hi holly' then your options
If you click on your name you go to your home page
Or if you click options choose one of those
Have a good look around then ask any questions and I,m sure someone will help
Welcome back x
31 Dec, 2012