By iansimmo
Hello. I am new to this site and have spent a lot of time today looking through it and uploading pictures. This looks a really nice community and one i am happy to be a part of. So, a big “hello” to everyone out there and to the members who have already made me feel so welcome.
Anyway, to gardening. I am an amateur who loves my patch of “Britain”. As a child i hated gardening. I could think of nothing more boring than weeding (still can’t !! ), but i had to earn pocketmoney somehow.
But, like most people i suspect, it was only when i got my own garden that the real passion began. And over the years i get more and more enjoyment from it.
I also had an allotment until recently, but gave it up as we couldn’t dedicate the time anymore. Sadly, during the veg growing years my back garden has been left wanting. So, after an exhaustive clearance, i have embarked on a rejuvination program, both for me and the garden.
And thats my main project for next summer…and it has already started… Suttons seed catalogue arrived this morning………bliss
2 Aug, 2011
Next post: the back border, before and after
That looks like a very pretty border, I'm sure you will like it on here - I spend far too much time on here! It's very addictive!
2 Aug, 2011
Welcome Ian. Looking good so far!
2 Aug, 2011
Welcome Ian. Your border looks very pretty. We're very friendly on here - it's a bit like Facebook but the main interest is gardens. I've picked up loads of tips and had many weeds identified which I'd been nuturing, thinking they were plants! Watch it though, as Lilcrawford said, being on here is very addictive and before you know it, it's bedtime!!!
2 Aug, 2011
welcome Ian,
hope you enjoy your time with us here at GOY.
2 Aug, 2011
What do you mean bedtime Sheilar, for some of us breakfast is the wakeup call.
Being a Goyer can cause insomnia so take care Ian. Also there are those out there who are beginning to be nocturnal with their photography.
Best to sign off now, not only for your sanity but for also for all those around you.
"What's that dear?"
"Yes I'm coming, is it really that time"
"No, no, I'm sure I didn't come on at 6.00pm. no no it's not possible, its what time?
10.00pm and I'm going to bed.GOODNIGHT
no need to shout dear, I'm not deaf.
Oh dear, I think OH is a little upset....
Night night my little petal. I'm just going to check the slugs.
2 Aug, 2011
The thing is Grannyb I'm at work all day so don't get the chance to go on the computer normally until about 6.00 pm and before I know it, it's 11.00 pm (time for bed, got to get up at 6.30 am for work):))
2 Aug, 2011
I have to be up at 5 Sheila! And still I'm hooked on here!
2 Aug, 2011
It's great though isn't it Sticki? I keep thinking I'll just have a swift half hour on and it turns into three hours!!!lol
2 Aug, 2011
A big welcome from me too!
2 Aug, 2011
Great yes I wish I had found it before but I'm not getting anything done which is not so good!
2 Aug, 2011
thanks to you all for your kind comments. Yes, i can see how this site can become addictive.
3 Aug, 2011
have you been reading blogs all night ian?
3 Aug, 2011
Your photos look love Ian and a warm welcome from me too:) But Grannyb is right it is sooooooooo addictive!
3 Aug, 2011
Welcome from me as well - but be warned. Do NOT start cooking and just nip in to look at GoY. You will end up with burnt meals. It happens! Often! lol.
3 Aug, 2011
oh no not you as well spritz!!!!
3 Aug, 2011
3 Aug, 2011
thanks once again to you all for that welcome.
3 Aug, 2011
wwelcome from me too. this site is very addictive. :o)
3 Aug, 2011
Ditto about the cooking. I'm always running to the kitchen to save things. Just wish work didn't get in the way as well...And I quite like weeding.
4 Aug, 2011
I quite like weeding as well - sad isn't it? I get a kick out of getting the little blighters out - especially if it's the ivy and ground elder from next door:D)
4 Aug, 2011
Welcome from me too Ian! Your border is really pretty, I just grown cosmos for the first time this year, and o wouldn't be without it now, it's a great wee filler!
5 Aug, 2011
Recent posts by iansimmo
- Tatton Park 2011
5 Aug, 2011
- the back border, before and after
3 Aug, 2011
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Welcome to GoY. You won't be disappointed, we are a friendly bunch on here and will help you all we can. Your garden looks lovely.
2 Aug, 2011