Mist and murk
By ickledigga
Just a thought but what exactly is a murk??? I know what mist is but can’t say I’ve seen a murk floating by!! maybe that’s just me! Anyway today is a yukky miserable day but i thought i have to get up from the warmth and cosiness of the house to do the daily rounds and to my surprise found three asparagus tips poking thro the soil!! very exciting as i can harvest these this year!! been waiting for what seems forever (3 years infact).
20 Apr, 2008
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Here in Bristol we call the day a 'Murky day' if its grey and misty and the last few days have been very 'murky' here!
Great to see the asparagus shoots appearing- Its a sign things are warming up.
20 Apr, 2008
Murky here today also :-( I think mist is nice floaty white stuff, while murk is dark and dank.. Actually, there's another one - what is 'dank'? Damp and rank? I don't know..... Today my potatoes have appeared! Yay!
20 Apr, 2008
Here in Yorkshire get sea frets - mist rolling in off sea .Mizzle - mist and drizzle and nithering winds and occassionally its cracking the flags - real sunny. A murky day is any of those that dont crack the flags(paving not hoisted type).So we ve had about 9 months of murk.
Wishing your asparagus well think we d better stick to rhubarb.
20 Apr, 2008
We definitely had a misty AND murky day here in West Somerset - I drove along the main road to church this morning and usually I can see the sea and on a clear day, Wales! Not today. You wouldn't have known that the sea was there, nor the hills and moors usually visible... YUK and double YUK. At least it didn't rain, like the last two days - so I got out into the garden all afternoon and did a lot of tidying. Don't ee talk funny up theer in the north, Bonkers! Arrh, we do talk proper down 'ere, my dear.
20 Apr, 2008
Thank you for translation , think we re bad - wait till the Geordies join in.Y I
20 Apr, 2008
My Mum and Dad-in-law were Geordies and when they got going with their friends, I could not follow the conversation. I'm sure they did it on purpose sometimes - to wind me up! They used different vocab. such as 'claggie' (muddy) and 'hoying' (throwing). There's even a book called 'Larn yerself Geordie'!
21 Apr, 2008
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lol im not too sure either what exactly murk is. isnt it great when you see new shoots popping their heads up above the ground?
20 Apr, 2008