apple trees
By irene24
I have decided to take out this puny apple tree and plant new ones that is i would love apple, cherry, and a pear tree this part of the garden is not very big but its about 10 mtr x5mtr so I am going to start looking for some verities that are firm, thin skinned and sweet for the apple ,the cherry has to be sweet too and the pear too has to be sweet the problem is where to start as I am dont drive at the moment and have to go locally .lf any one on here knows of these types of trees and the names feel free to leave a comment ,
Today all the things that are in the garden are gowing well the camelia is about to flower and its tidy ish lol so ,Iam pleased for a change
Magnolia about to flower
Apple tree
One more thing before I go is the best time to plant trees in autum ,only my neighbour says thats the best time to plant?
10 May, 2013
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Irene, Best time to plant is between November and March and if you buy them bare rooted they will be cheaper.
I have moved my two pears and two apples three times and its done them no harm.
10 May, 2013
Why don't you get them delivered Irene. There are plenty garden centres online who would be happy to deliver. Bare-rooted is cheaper but pot grown ones could be planted now. We bought trees for our last house from a home shopping channel, they grew very well and we had lots of fruit.
10 May, 2013
My favorite pear is Williams bon Chretien, its sweet and so juicy in a good year the juice runs down your chin....a bit like tinned pears....
Check the pollinators and if its on a dwarfing rootstock.
Not utterly reliable as late frosts can blacken the blossom or young fruit.....worth it though its such a treat on the good years
10 May, 2013
Will I need a polinator for all the different trees i.e apple polinator pear polinator and a cherrie polinator? Never had propper fruit trees lol
10 May, 2013
I am not sure if you can add links so apologies if I have done wrong. Check out the self fertile trees on here Irene.
10 May, 2013
Do any neighbours have fruit trees?
Ours have so no pollination worries.
Stella cherry I think is self fertile,
the other thing you could research is family trees with two or three varieties grafted on to one root stock.Not only do you have compatable varieties but eaters and cookers on the same tree.
This garden was laid out before we came over 25 years ago and the trees were not young then. One is a family tree, no idea of the varieties but even after all these years its a reliable prolific cropper.
11 May, 2013
I have a family apple tree too ... no need to worry about pollination because the grafted varieties are compatible and they are early, mid and end of season croppers so the harvest goes on for a long time. They are grafted on to dwarf rooting stock too, so no clambering needed! :-)
11 May, 2013
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All your plants are looking very healthy Irene. Don't know about the best time to plant trees but I'd have thought either spring or autumn would be best.
10 May, 2013