my first blog,
By joebell
hi, this is my first blog , and i would just like to say i enjoy all the photos and comments ,i have got to know some lovely folk and enjoy reading the blogs, i have not been active on grows on you for a few weeks as both my wife and i have not been very well but we are both on the mend and enjoying the garden. we have had to give up the allotment as it was to much for us i am in my seventies and lucy is not far behind,we both have heart trouble and have been told to take it easy, but i can not stop gardening and spend my days in the house garden and love to be busy. i belive that fresh air and pottering about in the garden is the best tonic in the world, we have just put a pool in the back garden and are looking forward to seeing all the bedding plants in bloom ,lucys baskets are filling out nicely, and the busy lizzies in my gipsy cart are starting to bloom, the front garden is looking like it will explode with colour soon,and i look forward to seeing every ones garden on goy.all the best to every one,
12 Jul, 2011
Thanks for writing a blog telling us a bit about yourself. I do agree being in the garden is very stimulating and good for your health. Enjoy it :o)
13 Jul, 2011
Lovely first blog,Joebell...and nice to meet you..glad you are still enjoying your garden..hope you and lucy get lots of pleasure with your new pool..take care..:o)
13 Jul, 2011
Good for you and Lucy, Joebell - glad to hear that you are carrying on with your garden - it is a very therapeutic hobby isn't it ?
13 Jul, 2011
hello and welcome,nice to hear you and lucy are on the mend,gardening is the best thing in the world,hope to see photos of your garden in full bloom
13 Jul, 2011
Hi from me, nice to hear you are on the mend hope you are getting some good weather to get out in that garden of yours, enjoy yourselves.
13 Jul, 2011
Sorry to read you've given up the allotment, perhaps you could grow some fruit & veg in garden pots? I agree with everyone, nothing better than being out in the garden. : o ))
13 Jul, 2011
It's true. Gardening is the best medicine. You forget everything else when you're in the garden and time no longer has any meaning. Hope you are both feeling better now.
17 Jul, 2011
Hi Joebell, nice to meet you:-) Isn't it funny how you keep meeting people on here you haven't met before? and I see you have been on since 2007! Glad you're both recovering now. I sometimes go out reluctantly to water the garden, feeling lazy. Once I'm out there...I notice I am're better tonic:-) I love you doggie picture by the way, lovely:-)
20 Jul, 2011
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All the best to you too joebell...and Lucy of course :)
Enjoy your's the best tonic around! x
12 Jul, 2011