By jogil
Hi anyone……
Just looked into this website as I have recently obtained my first Oxalis Triangularis! I was visiting an Inn/Pub in Yorkshire, my home county, at the end of May and they were displayed as large plants on all the window sills in the restaurant.
I loved them on sight and managed to get a small plant from the owner.
I don’t remember seeing this plant before…. and I have been looking for more since then. I did manage to get one from a local garden centre, but it seems smaller in leaf size…. maybe it will grow…..
It is now 21 June, and I have been weeding my small garden….I have a flower bed with a couple of rose trees and a couple of fuscias and a plant that seems to spread along the bottom of them. I had not taken any notice of it before but liked it as it covered the ground and had pretty little yellow flowers. A friend told me it was a weed and to get rid. I didn’t… and today I finally looked at it properly and found that it is…… Yes.. it’s an Oxalis!!! I can’t believe it! According to the internet it is classed as a weed here… so— Do I get rid or do I keep it? Can I dig some up and put in a pot and make a pot plant of it?
Any acomments would be appreciated. Thanks.
21 Jun, 2009
More blog posts by jogil
Hi Angie... Look forward to hearing about my Oxalis... and my "weeds!"... Thanks for reply...
21 Jun, 2009
Your welcome - do some googling meantime within the site you might get some more info while you're waiting for a decent reply - you'll love this site I PROMISE - my gut feeling is THIS AIN'T NO WEED
21 Jun, 2009
Oxalis triangularis is a beauty! I have grown it from corms and keep it as a house-plant. In the garden it's not invasive.
I'm afraid that the ones you have found in your garden sound like the invasive kind - they also grow from small corms or 'pips' and spread like wildfire. They are almost impossible to get rid of, as well. I don't think they would grow indoors successfully, either. Sorry.
Welcome to GOY from me, as well!
21 Jun, 2009
I was right about Spritz what a memory - sorry my gut feeling was wrong
21 Jun, 2009
Cheers Spritzhenry.... internet more or less told me same... just wondered what everyone else thought.... but where the garden one is I don't actually mind...Yet!! Looking forward to my Triangularis growing....
21 Jun, 2009
No prob Angie... so far I don't mind it..... I was so pleased to find and recognise it... We'll see what happens. I am going to put some in a pot and see what happens.. who knows??
21 Jun, 2009
Some folk say thistle's are weeds and I prob agree however I have a little patch in my garden to remind me of home !
21 Jun, 2009
If you like the ones in the garden, why not keep some just in a pot or tub?
When is a weed a weed? When the gardener finds it a nuisance or has too much of it probably. Some class forget-me-nots as weeds, but I really couldn't, however common they are. I think of any Euphorbia or that shrub "red robin" or Leylandii as on a level with weeds, and wouldn't want them in my own garden.
You decide!
21 Jun, 2009
A weed is in the eye of the beholder. Some, like lysimachia can be very useful and pretty in dodgy areas. My 'weed' Red Robin was a spectacular failure despite (or because of?) my best attention but I don't have the same effect on 'official' weeds unfortunately!
22 Jun, 2009
I have it in my garden. It came with some new topsoil I bought. It's an awful weed. Get rid if it.
22 Jun, 2009
I agree! It soon gets out of control. A bit like red clover - that looks pretty, but spreads like wildfire - and I can't get rid of it!
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks to everybody who has given advice on my oxalis weed!!! And thanks for comments on my lilies..... I wish I could take full credit for them but I inherited them and I just try and look after them the best I can.... must protect them better from frost next winter!!! But at last more blooms are appearing... will post more photos when in full bloom.
23 Jun, 2009
Hi Sarahmay.....
I am not far from you in Warwickshire so you should be able to get a good display of lilies. When I inherited these I was told to give them plenty of water and a little feed every week.... so I make sure I water them every day in the spring & summer and it does make a difference... you can see them grow.... Good Luck..
23 Jun, 2009
the bees would thank u tho, Spritz!
25 Jun, 2009
Do you mean the red clover, Weeding? The bees are all concentrating on the Photinia and Hebes at the moment - they are just heaving with them...and butterflies galore, too!
28 Jun, 2009
it's just that i read up on the ?? particular bee that has now died out in GB but was doing well still in NZ... they are planning to reintroduce it in the S of England with particular reference to red clover. New to me too. I had no idea there were THAT many types of bee!
29 Jun, 2009
I've never seen bees on the tiny yellow flowers that the red clover produces - but they do like the ordinary clover in the grass.
29 Jun, 2009
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Hi Jogil
Welcome to GOY - I am no expert however spritzhenry may be able to help - as if I remember correctly would have some knowledge on the subject of Oxalis Triangularis- sorry spritz if I have put you on the spot x
21 Jun, 2009