The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Julieamelia's Garden

Julieamelia has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Bloody Cranesbill

Added on 3 Jun, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium sanguineum.

Lovely show of flowers, brought on-line.

Fox and Cubs

Added on 3 Jun, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Hieracium.
Species: Hieracium aurantiacum.

Brought on-line.
Spread easily, but not invasive.

Ragged Robin

Added on 3 Jun, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Lychnis.
Species: Lychnis flos-cuculi.

Brought on-line.
Lovely delicate flowers, give colour for at least 3 months.

Monkey Flower

Added on 5 Jun, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Mimulus.
Species: Mimulus guttatus.

Beautifull, bright, cheerfull little flower.