Plans for the Allotment
By kev_kim
1 comment
Well I can see that the community spirit is alive and well on this site so thanks for all the comments of encouragement.
So far we have split the allotment into areas of approximately 4 metres by 2.5 metres. Two reasons for this:
1. To make an area to dig over manageable so that we don’t ache as we soak in the bath ;o)
2. To keep levels of motivation because as we dig and prepare the ground we can start to plant up.
So far we have a couple of plots completed one with onions in that have already started to send their shoots up. Hopefully in 4-5 months time we will have about 160 onions!!
As one old boy on the plot stated. ‘You can’t plant enough onions. The women use a lot of onions in their cooking’ Made me chuckle; made Kim grimace ;o)
In the other plot we have planted First and Second Earlies. Now this is where I need advice. Another old boy reckons I should earth up now just in case we have a frost. I thought you only earthed up when shoots were showing. Whats the best thing to do???
Our next task is to put a base down for the shed. We managed to get a 6×4 shed from B&Q for £50 as it was slightly damaged. The shed is coming on Friday so we will take more pictures over the weekend.
Have fun everyone until I blog again soon and you are right it is so addictive!!!!!
5 Apr, 2011
Previous post: A Journal for New Allotment Holders
It seems you have a lot to do. I hope your shed gets delivered on time. Good luck :)
Sorry I can't help you with earthing up - I don't grow vegetables. You could put it in the question section. Maybe someone will answer.
8 Apr, 2011