The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Khakisoul's Garden

Khakisoul has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: sunset gold.


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: noir.


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: orange dream.

physocarpus opulifolius

Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: summerwine.

escallonia-gold ellen

Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: lavias.


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

pittosporum-tom thumb

Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: tenufolium.


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

one pink one red

broom-cytisus scoparius

Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: goldfinch.

patio rose

Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: lady love.

callicarpa boninieri

Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: profusion.

I think this plant may have died this winter.

euonymus fortunei

Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: silerstone.

I think this plant may have died this winter.


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: cneorum.

I`m hoping the frost has`nt killed this off.


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: grace ward.

japanese anemone

Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: honorine jobert.

This plant has yet to flower for me but I was advised by GoYsters to give extra water in autumn, which I did, s...


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: green spice.


Added on 5 Mar, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: amygdaloides purpurea.

Ive just moved this plant from up against a fence so it has a fan shaped spread at approx 2`.