Last of the Zinnias...
By kkveal
Well I cut the last of my Zinnias last night. I get them cut the same way every year. “This is the absolutely last time I’m going to cover my flowers this year!” With the porch light glowing, I make my way to the Zinnia bed, being careful not to step on the new beauties I have planted this year. Standing tall and brave in my favorite vase they are the reminder of why I cover my flowers every fall, and why I always wish for an early spring.
Thank you ever so, Gardenscaper.
27 Oct, 2013
More blog posts by kkveal
Your Zinnias look very pretty in that vase. I'm glad you enjoy growing them and I hope you get more next year :o)
27 Oct, 2013
What a lovely arrangement.
27 Oct, 2013
I agree.lovely flowers....I grew them for the first time this year,and have been well rewarded all summer and into autumn..sadly now resigned to the Compost bin,but I miss the vibrant colours..I hall definitely grow them again next year..
28 Oct, 2013
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I have been delighted with my zinnias this year too. they are such a lovely plant aren't they?
27 Oct, 2013