By lilyblue
I have been nagging my Husband to help me build some raised beds for vegetables. He is dragging his feet. His main worry is Badgers!!! Our neighbours carrots have come under attack from our local badger network. I like to deal with problems as they arrive,Hubby on the other hand is a planner. I like curvy, interesting gardens full of pathways,nooks and crannies.He likes straight, measured and symetry. My idea is to build one bed, and see how it goes,then build add ons as we become more experienced. The credit crunch has given me more leverage and determination to get on with it.Like most Women i want it done Yesterday! I may have to go it alone with the hammer and nails!
28 Jul, 2009
I have just built some the other weekend. Take a lok at my recent blog and pics.
They are not posh and are definately home made out of old pallet wood.
Like you curves and nooks and crannies are in my garden.
28 Jul, 2009
I like curves..... but thats not garden related Lol :-))
29 Jul, 2009
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we built raised beds from logs.they are nice and can get them from tree surgeons.
28 Jul, 2009