Meet Charlie who is at present filling one of my ponds....
By loosestrife2
He is my newest pond spitter though in this case he is definitely not spitting…..
I am just about finished the laying out the groundwork of my garden this year. Most of the plantings will be in pots and hanging baskets with any growth below them dispatched with weed killer and colored mulch. My garden has the following areas …full sun , partial sun, partial shade and full shade with plantings appropriate for each of those areas. What follows is the setup accomplished to this day……
All of the water features with the exception of two pond pumps I have converted to solar powered.
23 May, 2022
Previous post: Just testing photo load problem
Next post: Making my garden statuary “ POP”......
Thank you Lincs xxx! That’s one of the great things about GOY, we get to share and appreciate each other’s efforts which is one of the things that keeps my engine running. With the recent troubles that some members had in loading their photos I had some trepidation but all of mine loaded onto the blog without any problem....looks like we are back in business:)
24 May, 2022
Yes that's exactly right L'strife, I was getting so despondent with it, I did try the other sites and the members are friendly enough and helpful but I just can't get the hang of them, Goy has been part of my life for so long I'd be lost without it and all my friends.
Don't know whether Dave found somebody to fix it for us and probably won't find out but I for one am very happy to have it back to normal again...XX
24 May, 2022
I forgot to add that my garden is recovering from a very bad hail storm. Most of my plants were damaged from being pelted from these balls of ice and well as having been burned by the accumulating ice pellets. I had to perform-garden triage- by removing the dead or hopelessly dying plants or amputating physically damaged or frozen parts of plants that I decided had a good chance of recovery. The hail was so big that I checked my cars for dents from the heavy pelting-none found.
26 May, 2022
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22 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
25 May, 2021
Isn't it great to see the blogs with photographs that are staying put , fingers xx that means we are sorted out again...
I've always loved your garden L'strife, all the ponds and waterfalls, home to all the magical people, all the pathways leading to the various area's with an abundance of colour and planting to admire, it looks so tidy, the mulching is working well, not a weed in sight and the colour is perfect, looks warm and very welcoming, a garden that is loved and entices one to take a wander or just sit and admire.....
Lovely blog and photo's L'strife x
24 May, 2022