What do I have here?
By loosestrife2
The area where I live is located at the southernmost point of an ice age glacier. It left a lot of rock rubble in my area and my property during its push south and receding north. I have dug up a lot of nice size rocks which I have used for various things in my garden. I was digging the heavy clay soil in the back part of my property and uncovered three nice rocks which I could use. All three had to be brushed and washed off so heavily coated in clay they were. It was after that I realized two of the stones were like any of the others I had uncovered over the years but the third one was not. It had a peculiar shape like a chicken leg and a white color like limestone. I have a tape measure to give an idea of the size of of this object. Have I uncovered a fossil?
25 Jun, 2022
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Thank you for your suggestion SBG. I will send an email with attached photos to a few of the curators of some nearby museums with interests in paleontology. I do now recollect that a few years ago a large construction project a few miles from me was halted for a time due to the unearthing of some kind of fossilized remains.
25 Jun, 2022
Loved the blog, Loosestrife, very interesting indeed! I thought fish too, as Eileen mentioned. Also really thought provoking that fossilised remains were unearthed nearby in the recent past.
Please keep us updated!!!
26 Jun, 2022
Agree it does look like a fish. Let us know what you find out?
26 Jun, 2022
I have sent the above information and images to the curator of my alma mater’s geological museum at Rutgers College and I will inform when I get a reply.
26 Jun, 2022
Must say..weirdest shaped rock I’ve ever seen! We have similar geology in Scotland. Our house is built from rocks dug out of the field about 120 years ago. They still get dug up, but so do many small quartzes and river pebbles. When we went to bury our little Terrier during Covid, we discovered that we only have about 2 feet of topsoil on top of what looks just like beach sand full of smooth round pebbles! And we are 122m above sea level. Evidence of volcanic and glacial activity many eons past. Really makes you realise just how short human history is! Fascinating!
27 Jun, 2022
Lest we forget the supercontinent known as Pangea and its breakup and movement for the last 200 million years along with mixing and relocating life on earth and changing climates and other environmental factors that places evolutionary stress causing life forms to change too. This is still an ongoing process, it cannot be stopped and it will never end.
27 Jun, 2022
I think fish also, I am always fascinated by this sort of thing, I hope you get an answer L'strife...
28 Jun, 2022
The college is on summer break so a response might be sometime in coming unless boredom and curiosity might get someone to check their office email.
28 Jun, 2022
Well thats bad timing L'strife how dare they, lol, never mind we can be patient....
29 Jun, 2022
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at certain angles it looks like a fish 2nd 3rd from bottom.
only way to really find out is to take it to a local museum etc.
Glaciers carry debris from hundreds of miles away, it could just be clay that has been rolled around and ended up in this shape.
25 Jun, 2022