Lazy Sunday
By maple
The title of this blog is somewhat of a misnomer – no such thing as a lazy Sunday in this house. Between getting everything ready for the return to school and work on a Monday morning and the usual household chores and cooking a roast dinner ( with the inevitable hundredweight of washing up!) it gets fairly hectic.
I took an early coffee out into the garden as soon as the sun had come up. Sitting there listening to the blackbirds sing their morning song and reviewing the previous days work in the garden I felt peace and contentment. The roses are sprouting, the alstromerias are pushing on up, the clematis are forming buds, the wisteria is greening and the weigela is covered in a carpet of soft green leaves. Hubby broke the fork handle so it was going to be a day to leave the neglected border to it’s own devices – the borage, the dandelions, the wild garlic could all rest secure in the knowledge of a few days reprieve!
As the sun gained height the scents of the surrounding area started to fill the garden – mimosa in full blossom assaulted the senses, next doors magnolia delicate perfume crept through all underwritten with the hints of leafmould and pine.
As the church bells played the Angelus it was time to go in and get on.
By 4pm everything was done – piles of clean washing all done and put away, the hungry hoards fed and content, mother in law gently snoring on the sofa and even the dog was chewing on her ragger quietly in the corner.
What better time than now to take an after dinner stroll round the village and enjoy the last of the days sunshine. Off we set!!
The mimosa is glorious- great yellow cushions of blooms and it is everywhere. Hawthorn has blossomed in the sheltered valley and wild violets grow in gay abandon. Within gardens you see cherry and apple blossom, chaemomeles, magnolia and hebe. Along the tracks we saw numerous butterflies from the usual early yellow brimstones to the unusual painted lady, the huge black bumblebees droned around us sounding like Hercules transport planes in comparison to their fast jet cousins the honey bees and a dragonfly skimmed down the watercourse flashing green and gold.
A brief visit to the swing park let the junior members of the team let off some steam before we continued on up the hill. At this point the gentle stroll becomes more difficult as the 1:4 gradient tends to take your breath away. We stopped to show the kids the pussy willow and watch the lizards scramble for cover as well as to allow us chance to catch a breather! As the road turned away and we followed the track for home we turned to see what we had climbed for – the snowy peaks of the Pyrenees visible at the end of the valley and the higher glacier peaks peeping over the ridge. It took a lot of internal struggle to turn away from this sight – nature in the raw!
Shattered but content we arrived home. With coffee in hand, we went into the garden to take in the last of the suns invigorating rays. Sighing that a good day was coming to a close we smiled knowing that we lived among such wondrous beauty and could do it all again tomorrow.
3 Mar, 2008
More blog posts by maple
Maple, I am anxiously waiting for days like you had. With so much snow still on the ground it feels like those days are never going to get here. Wishing you many more lazy Sundays. ENJOY !
3 Mar, 2008
You have no idea the desperation your lovely walk engendered. As Janette said "lucky you". Here in N.A. the snow is still deep. it is hard to believe that we are just a few days away from the first day of spring...It will take some seriously warm temps and lots of warm spring rain to take this mess away...just hope we don't have to group in twos, and head for the ark...
I enjoyed your lovely blog...cheers!!
3 Mar, 2008
What a beautiful picture you've painted for us, it sounds wonderful. No snow here in England (at least where I live)but its still cold so things are nowhere near as advanced as in France. You've brought that 'spring feeling' to life though, hopefully it will arrive here soon. Can't wait!
3 Mar, 2008
Thanks for the feedback guys. Mike and Lori - sorry if I made your snowy days feel longer than they need to be. You both have the gardeners touch though (I've seen your photos!!) and I have to make up for the lack of mine by turning to Mother Nature lol Come your Spring I'll be moaning to you about how I am a failure and can't achieve the beautiful results you can :o )
Janette and Lindsay - not long for you to wait now and if things follow their usual path we'll get the weather you are having now in about a weeks time and we'll be back to lighting the fire and wearing 10 jumpers! Crisp British Spring mornings are one of the things I miss about the UK. Crunching through the frosty ground, looking at rimed plants and flowers while looking at a sky so blue it hurts your eyes!
Have fun all
4 Mar, 2008
Your adopted home sounds so BEAUTIFUL maple! I am glad you are able to take such pleasure in it in amongst daily things-that-have-to-be-done! There's that poem... 'What is this life, if full of care we have no time to stand and stare' etc. Well done for making the time!
4 Mar, 2008
my my you are quite the vivid story teller it was almost as if i was reading a poem or short story there and it was amazing.I felt that i was standing right next to you as you described it all. It was very very good and i can not wait for your next installment.
18 May, 2008
I just wish I,d been on that walk with you it sounds beautiful ,lucky you
3 Mar, 2008