can someone help us please we are new to gardening.
last year we had planted 60 laurels . we need to know what to do regarding feed .we have been advised to put 2 hand full of blood fish and bone around the roots leave on for 2 days then water in well is that correct does any one have a better idea .
17 May, 2018
I persuaded my husband to plant a laurel hedge at the back of a garden seat to keep away the draughts!! A few years later we regretted this as the hedge took off without any help on our part. Last year we had the hedge decimated but it still need an eye kept on it, so beware!
18 May, 2018
you can water it in or lightly dig it in. that is a slow release feed so should be good. remember to keep them well watered this first year.
welcome to GoY too :o)
you could put this as a question in the question section and you may get some more responses.
18 May, 2018