shady side of the garden
By marieballs
on my back garden i have a shady side.Which I am very fed up with. i can grow foxgloves,periwinkle,snapdragon,snowdrops,nemophila,astratia(slug plant). I would love to put more plants into that boarder for all round colour. i am wondering if to put some erergreen shrubs their but i am nut sure at the moment what to do. the neighbour has a laurel which is quite big and tall and another tree thats gets quite big it was cut down but it is regrowing again so the shady spot on my garden needs something doing to it.
3 Nov, 2007
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Thank you for your comment about the shady part of the garden. the shady side is damp and grows moss on it even though i take it off. so i dont even know what typ it is. dso you have any ideas please
4 Nov, 2007
Check out what is growing in your neighbours' gardens - if they are growing rhodos and camellias then the soil in your area is acid so they will grow in yours too. But if no-one in the area is growing them, the chances are your soil is alkaline and not suitable for them.
Moss growing on your soil is a sign of poor drainage. Ideally you should dig over the area to at least one spade's depth or preferably two (this is known as double digging and is hard work but worth it in the long run). If it is not possible to dig over the area, I would suggest forking in horticultural grit and well rotted compost - this will impove the condition of the soil and its fertility.
Other plants to add to sprtiz's list (whatever your soil type) include London Pride, hydrangeas, thalictrum (meadow rue), cyclamen (buy the plants when they are growing, not dry corms), primulas, bluebells, narcissi, woodland anemones, martagon lilies, ferns, sarcococca (Xmas box - you will hardly notice the flowers in Februray but they will scent the whole garden!), aucuba (spotted laurel).
Any good local Garden Centre should also be able to give you advice if you go to their Information Desk
4 Nov, 2007
You can buy a simple soil testing kit very cheaply which will tell you if you have acid or alkaline soil. I think B&Q had them, or your local Garden Centre might. P.S. Want any more ideas for plants??? Book offer still open! :-)
4 Nov, 2007
I would plant loads of ferns, keeping a few in pots so that you can create hight, I know that you won't be getting the colour that you say you want but you will be getting great structure and movement all year. Ferns come in all shapes and sizes and are great
6 Nov, 2007
i was thing of doing that last year and i brought a shady fern book Its deciding which ones to have. thank for the comment
6 Nov, 2007
Are you able to grow Rhododendrons and Azaleas in your area? You can buy various sizes/colours if so! Also, if you do have acid soil, Camellias are wonderful for early colour. Both are evergreen. Euonymus doesn't mind shade - try 'Silver Queen'. You could grow Hostas which like shade, Tiarellas, Anemones, Lilies of the Valley, Brunnera 'Jack Frost' - a wonderful shade plant. My favourite - Omphalodes cappadocica 'Cherry Ingram' - beautiful blue flowers. Lots of hardy Geraniums will grow happily too, and Campanulas if not too shaded. Want any more ideas? I have a book called 'Best Shade Plants' - so the list could be a long one! Just ask!
3 Nov, 2007