Autumn clearing
By mikijo
Am in the process of clearing my garden up a bit before winter hits. Have put in all my spring bulbs this week, god love half term and pulled out too many weeds to bear thinking about. Having watched the garden over the spring and summer to see what i’ve got, i’m now a bit more ready to consider what to do with it next year.
Still more weeding to be done and general tidying. Its very good for destressing me though
25 Oct, 2007
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1 Mar, 2008
Indeed yes - 'Gardens are a lovesome thing, God wot'. I hope I didn't misquote too badly (lol) but seriously, just tidying up and preparing tubs and pots for spring does you a power of good! The only pot I cannot bear to deal with is full of beautiful full-flowering fuchsias. I have bulbs waiting for the first sign of frost, when I shall have to rescue them! Weeds still popping up everywhere due to recent mild weather.
25 Oct, 2007