'Little things please little minds'? ... A blog for Spring
By monjardinlra
Maybe so, but…
This saying (I don’t know “whence it comes”!) is often quoted to prove that only unintelligent people are preoccupied by trifles.
However – my (ex) OH used to quote a telling follow-up line, that said: ‘… while bigger fools look on with envy in their minds and sympathy in their hearts’…
OK, a bit philosophical – but just for your amusement, here is my ‘little mind’ displaying its shortcomings:
I’ve always grown vegetables in the past (needs must with a family then to feed) but rarely concentrated on flowers though I love them. So I don’t know much about propagating them, and as I hate to see things die (silly, I’ve obviously read too many Gothic novels…) I never ventured much into trying to take cuttings.
However, at a gardening club in November last we were shown how to do it, and the result is:
I’m not sure that I’ve managed to include the photos, one taken late February, one today, but if so, – YAAY!
Now could you please tell me what it is???!!!
19 Mar, 2013
Previous post: this isn't strictly gardening but it's bird-watching and music?
Next post: Spring specials in Southern France
at a guess a scented pelargonium. well done
19 Mar, 2013
I class that as a big thing thing, well done you, now you've been successful with one, it 'll no doubt spur you on to try with more.......
I have perfected the art of nurturing many weeds over the years especially in the early days, it is a bit annoying when you realise they have to go in the rubbish, lol...
19 Mar, 2013
thanks sbg it was a demonstration and i took it home, so ridiculously proud it's grown we've had a beastly winter as i gather you have so anything that grows is a plus - into a slightly bigger pot, do i need special compost?
hey ain't it fun still to be learning....
19 Mar, 2013
Hey presto......it's worked.And such a great feeling when you get a plant 'for nothing ' so to speak!!!!
20 Mar, 2013
ordinary compost will do fine. and yes i love learning new things. :o)
20 Mar, 2013
Several days later: p.s. folks if it's a weed it must be smirking, 'cos I've now (sitting outside, myself, in somewhat ghastly weather to do so, to avoid importing gardening trowels and pots and the inevitable associated grot into an already untidy indoors) re-potted it into a "traditional" clay pot (that means an old and chipped round the edges jobbie, the only clean-ish oldster one available).
The plant looks happy, and even two days later seems to be flourishing and growing - the pot is surviving (but alas - the weather even on my kitchen window-sill, is dire... Cold is enough still at present potentially to promote thermal underwear - Rain to defeat even my Irish heritage... and light-levels to grope for a miners' lamp...) Global warning, huh?
Nevertheless the cutting's cheerfulness encourages me (please tell me it's not Japanese knotweed...!!) :)
At any rate, as long as it's not (JK as above) it will have been a useful exercise in plant propagation, and patience therefor... so thanks for your encouragement...
best to all, regards MonjardinLRA (nadia)
30 Mar, 2013
its not jap knot weed so rest easy. looks like a scented pelargonium.
30 Mar, 2013
thanks sbg, fun to keep venturing, eh?
30 Mar, 2013
'good only for deterring flies', my French neighbour disparagingly says about that putative geranium... but hey we all have to start somewhere...
(and i'm broodingly eyeing buying a new clematis) and for me among the broad beans that resolutely are resisting coming up, gardening is still positive, and a mild but persistent pleasure is of that cutting I've been featuring (web-page of its own, anyone?), and also the first fronds once again this year of 'Dicentra Spectabilis' ... a plant I bought 5 years ago to put here after enjoying it in East Anglia, and for many years, still a present joy and coming up each year, though perhaps I should give it some cousins to fight through its competitors.. The 'Bleeding Heart Plant'... Coeur de Marie is its name here in this catholic heritage but obviously quite vigorous under whatever name! and a joy to look at - for a few weeks only but worth the while, so meaning spring, and let's hope we'll finally get there.
31 Mar, 2013
because gosh there are few other encouraging signals... even my potato chits are sulking!
31 Mar, 2013
My Bleeding Hearts are about 3" above the ground but can't really blame them for trying to stay close to Mother Earth, lol, at least I can don a jacket to combat the cold, I'm still resisting the temptation to plant my potato's and they are awaiting me in the g'house as are my packets of spring onons and lettuce, I have already sowed a trough of cut and grow lettuce which are doing well and some leeks in paper pots so at least thats a start.....Also started my tomato's and cucumbers and lots of flowers, have to admit the dull days and lack of light has slowed them all down in the g'house but the sun is staying around for longer now so they'll soon pick up.....
Happy Easter Nadia...
31 Mar, 2013
Dear all - guess what? had I better plan to move house??? The Famous Scented P. (a gardening friend confirms its leaves are scented, I alas have little sense of smell) is taking over my windowsill! (Photo to follow...)
So? I may run out of room...
.. Oh, no, I forgot, nothing else is growing yet so it'll have plenty of room for any expansion! (most of my seeds I think have gone mouldy in waiting through the cold even indoors, I suspect... I shall have to try again!)
Though I have to say, the temperature here today and yesterday in mid-France, is clear sunshine, blue skies and 22 degrees - I'll soon be complaining of having to valiantly water things - or of thunderstorms bashing down the plants! (we struggling gardeners are never happy)
Meanwhile, best thanks to all for your encouragement and forbearance , mjlra
15 Apr, 2013
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geranium: - pelargonium? - scented? what do I do with it, next, please?! don't tell me I'm growing a ghastly weed...
19 Mar, 2013