Mid Jan Jobs
By mrswm
I’ve posted a new episode on www.backgardenvegetables.wordpress.com
if you fancy a read.
It’s a bit too basic to repost on here as you’re all old hands! But it’s about cleaning tools, collecting toilet rolls and planning calendars.
Thanks for the comments so far.
Mrs W-M
13 Jan, 2013
More blog posts by mrswm
Previous post: My first year of vegetable growing...help!
I found the big problem with back garden vegetable growing was it was too sheltered with surrounding houses, and I had to use chemical sprays to control the insect infestation. Thats why I got an allotment out in the fresh air. You will just have to wait and see what happens in the summer.
14 Jan, 2013
My plot isn't too bad, only have a house on one side so it gets some sun at least! Hadn't thought about increased insects, but am definitely investing in lots of netting this to keep the birds and things off!
Snoopdog - sorry! I didn't mean old hands, I meant really knowledgable and experienced! xx
14 Jan, 2013
Pam - don't worry! Thanks for the comment anyway. I could post it on here but the formatting goes all funny, and it is really basic beginners gardening. I'll add the links anyway and ask you guys all the hard stuff as I go along! Thanks!
Mrs W-M
14 Jan, 2013
You will soon learn who are the best GOY knowledgeable gardeners, and which type of plants they specialise in.
15 Jan, 2013
Much prefer to read it on goy, sorry.
14 Jan, 2013