ST Johns Wort
By namtar
I have a St Johns Wort that is now some eight feet tall and with a canopy roughly the same. When I asked here before for help to identify it some people expressed surprise at how big it was. I may have a solution to this or not, what do you think?
On the incline and touching the SJW are three small azaleas which were there before the SJW. I religiously feed them with ericaceous fertilser. Undoubtedly this will have gone to the SJW as well and it is my supposition that this is what is causing the SJW to grow so big. Does this seem reasonable?
Plot thickens. I’m guessing that original question for identification of the plant, some two years ago, was on another site, not this one. All that I recall is that the consensus was St Johns Wort and general surprise at how big it was. It is now bigger although I’m sure that it will stop growing at some point.
As recommended, I pruned it in early spring the last two years, but not this year — new grand daughter on the go so otherwise engaged. I have attached two pictures of the seed pods and leaves. The other two pictures are showing the whole plant. You will just make out a blue clothesline next to it. I’m six foot two inches and the line scraps the top of my head so my guess is the plant is roughly eight feet tall.
17 May, 2019
More blog posts by namtar
You haven't posted about St John's Wort here Namtar.
17 May, 2019
Are you sure its St John's wort? That is a small shrubby plant normally, not a tree. Please would you post another picture, one showing the whole thing and one with closer view of the leaves and twigs? I couldn't see your original query on your questions list.
17 May, 2019