By nannyduck
many thanks to those who replied to my question about bulbs. i have had a beautiful show of hyacinths in pots in my garden but as i live in a ground floor flat so dont have much space i was hoping i could perhaps lift these and store for next spring.i have done this with indoor plants but never tried with garden bulbs.i have a shed so wondered if that would be a suitable place to over winter them.
20 Apr, 2008
thank you for taking the time to reply to my blog. the bulbs in question were given to me by a friend to put directly into tubs in the garden. would these have been treated in the same way?
20 Apr, 2008
If you've never grown them indoors Nannyduck and they went straight outside then you can leave them there in the ground. All they need is time to die back naturally and lifted every couple of years to separate them.
If you need the space in your tubs then the same applies - leave them in the ground until the leaves wither back, dig them up, remove the leaves , trim the roots then allow the bulbs to dry then store in a cool dry place for replanting in the autumn.
Good luck
21 Apr, 2008
thank you very much for your advice, thats just what i hoped youd say.
21 Apr, 2008
It's the same kind of problem as the question on keeping tulips in pots until next year. Your Hyacinths were grown and treated commercially and to keep them you would need to feed and water them until the leaves died back, then you could try storing them until next year. Your shed would be fine, and it's worth trying if you can't plant them out - but don't expect that they will give you the same sized flowers!
20 Apr, 2008