I’ve just veiwed Nectoscordum sicilium. An elderly friend bought me some bulbs, they were not in bags ,all loose,so i just popped them in and around and this is one of.I’ve been wating for them to open up LoL.
23 Jun, 2010
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Nanny Margeret can we see the photo lol
23 Jun, 2010
they are a lovely plant bt they do seed freely around so you may want to dead head them.
23 Jun, 2010
Recent posts by nannymargaret
- Trying hard
23 Jun, 2010
- Good team work
23 Jun, 2010
- Not to sure
22 Jun, 2010
- Big Thank You
21 Jun, 2010
- Help
1 Jun, 2010
Nannymargaret, there's no picture for us to look at .......... is that the surprise? lol....... I'd love to see what grew.
23 Jun, 2010