By nutpig
I’ve kept a little tumblr of my modest efforts at this url.
Its really of the veg patch at the end of our garden, but we’re slowly doing the rest of the garden up too.
I’m a fan of autumn colours so i’ve planted the following;
Liquidamabr Worplesdon
Amelanchier Lamarckii
Prunus Cascade
Prunus Kiku Shidare
A couple of Cornus (ALba & something else)
Euonymous something or other
Cotinus or some kind
A cascading Acer
Some virginia creeper
And i have a Sumac in pot waiting to plant when i sort out some more of the garden.
The wife runs the flower planting, cottage style.
11 Oct, 2013
More blog posts by nutpig
Waddy - check the url -
12 Oct, 2013
Got it! Very professional!
Can I pick your brains? I have some chilli peppers which have grown really well, with lots of chillies. However apart from 1 the rest have gone from green to very deep purple. Do you know if I can still harvest them?
13 Oct, 2013
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Sounds as if there's lots to see in your garden Nutpig, how about some pics next time?
11 Oct, 2013