Sowing the seeds
So far 11 people in the London office have bought chilli seeds and entered the race to be the first one to grow a fully ripe chilli. Let the competition begin!
The rules are simple:
- 6 seeds for £1 - first person to grow a fully ripe chilli still attached to the plant by natural means wins (photo evidence necessary - 50% of entry fees go to the Railway Children and 50% to the winner - Mark’s decision is final.Plants are best grown in warm conditions so the competition can be entered by anyone with access to a green house or sunny window ledge.
Chilli Cayenne
A favourite hot chilli, green maturing to bright red. Ideal for cooking with and easy to grow.
Indoor planting:
Sow seeds 5mm deep in pots or trays of moist compost, store in a warm place at an approx. temperature of 18 – 21 degrees Celsius (65 – 70 degrees Fahrenheit). Once all chance of frost has passed the plants can be transplanted into growing beds or patio tubs outside, harden off first.
These plants do best in very mild conditions, therefore, it would be better to keep them in a greenhouse or indoors.
Sow indoors Jan – March
Harvest July onwards.
27 Mar, 2009
Next post: First growth
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