Thompson Morgan Peas
By Yorkshire

31 Jul, 2009
Best peas we have ever grown Alzheimer, Hurst Green Shaft, going to try some of the things you suggested for the winter, and yes, we do live in Yorkshire.
Comments on this photo
Yummy peas. I'm trying to grow some this yr. here in Los Angels but they have come up got a few flowers then they get mildew and one of them has turned brown another was looking lovely then we got a cold snap now it looks like it's withering away. All in a few days. Are peas sensitive to cold? Also do u know if they prefer less water?
I just thought I'd ask as urs look so lovely.
30 Apr, 2010
I'm not sure Angie what is wrong with your peas, why not take a picture of one thats not looking so good and put it on here on gardening questions, someone will tell you whats wrong.
1 May, 2010
Hi there....Just caught your query about your poor peas. I have to say that after MANY years of growing mine in the same spot - up a special pea/bean frame that I couldn't move - I had very similar problems to yours and had to abandon growing them there for years. Perhaps yours are in the same spot or are near other peas? They were never sensitive to cold I must say - and we have a very short season up her in Scotland.....but they are heavy feeders and love a lot of nourishment at their roots. I used to dig an open trench each Autumn and put all the kitchen scraps in it throughout the winter - then fill it in before sowing the seeds ...and they seemed to thrive on it ! If you have any decent looking plants left....I would water and feed them copiously as the mildew just loves plants that are compromised and under-nourished. All the best - hope you do get some results - as these peas are really worth growing.
3 May, 2010
Thank u both 4 ur feed back.
It's the first yr. I have tried to grow them here some are out in the garden & 2 others are in pots in different place as this is an experiment but disappointing so far. I got 4 peas off d one in d garden. Big deal! Yeah Right!
What do u recommend feeding them with?
I like what u do with ur waste I think it's the best thing to do with it. I know a lady in LA that just digs it in a little hole each time she has it. So it's an on going way of adding nourishment to the garden.
Thanks again
I'll plant some more & c how I do.
3 May, 2010
Tomato food if you don't think they have enough food at their roots. Tomato food is great for everything I find....all these fancy things they advertise - just buy bulk Tomato food...all I ever used! Anyway - feed it either once a week full strength or half strength every other watering....and if they are in pots - quarter strength every time!! They will soon use up anything in a pot! A cool root run and sunny up top - always worked for me!! Cheers!
3 May, 2010
Great stuff, Yorkshire! Good enough to eat!!!!
31 Jul, 2009