Acer palmatum dissectum purpurem
By Junglejen

1 Aug, 2009
The beautiful Acer in our 'Japanese Jungle'.
Comments on this photo
So beautiful.
1 Aug, 2009
Thanks Irish, it gets more beautiful every year, I'm considering getting the Katsura for next year.
1 Aug, 2009
Thanks B, I love the Acers, especially in Autumn when the leaves turn almost Crimson.
Jen x
2 Aug, 2009
Fantastic looking specimen Jen !
11 Aug, 2009
Thanks Fl, the leaves are as beautiful as flowers and longer lasting.
11 Aug, 2009
I agree 100%....~!
12 Aug, 2009
Very strong colour isn't it and they have such a grace about them too, nice one Jen.
13 Aug, 2009
Thanks Indy, graceful yes but their beauty belies their strength, tough customers these for such a delicate looking tree.
13 Aug, 2009
Japanese aren't they (samurai trees maybe), but thats whats so nice about them theyre tough but beautiful!
13 Aug, 2009
They're hardier than me, they can take -25f, me- I'd be running for me hottie well before that Brrrrrrrrrrr
13 Aug, 2009
Tough as ol boots then, but a lot prettier!
13 Aug, 2009
And not smelly, how can your cat stand it in your boot bag???!
13 Aug, 2009
Not one I can answer except to say the son's feet/boots stink like cat spray eeeeuch!, maybe she feels is a relative or something!
13 Aug, 2009
13 Aug, 2009
trainers, eeewww!!!!
13 Aug, 2009
That's why I don't like wearing shoes...pfwoaaaah !!!
14 Aug, 2009
Beautiful colour - I have one but it's very peely-wally compared to yours JJ.
16 Sep, 2009
It goes almost crimson in the autumn, love it.They're slow growers aren't they Skillen, I've had this one for about 10 years now.
17 Sep, 2009
Yes they do seem to grow very slowly. I think I'll put mine up by the pond in the autumn it may do better in the ground rather than a pot.The acer I have in the front garden grows like a triffyd, I'm always cutting it back. It's a different variety though with large leaves.
19 Sep, 2009
Ah yes, they're better in the ground, but we keep ours in a pot so it can be moved around and raised up above the pond when Spring comes.
The other one you have is probably not one of the Japanese types which are generally much smaller and slower growing, but some Acers grow like crazy don't they!
I have a large leaf red one on order at the mo so that will go into the front garden as it'll grow too quickly and be too big for the back, can't wait for it to come! 8o)
20 Sep, 2009
Good idea JJ maybe i should keep it in the pot. Do you repot it as it gets bigger? Mine is in a 12" pot at the moment and it's about 2years old. Do you feed them?
20 Sep, 2009
Yes you can move them into a slightly larger pot, (next size up), but they seem to like a fairly tight fit. I feed mine weekly from April to September with a liquid seaweed feed, a wonderful organic tonic, it promotes healthy root growth and it really brings the colour up.
20 Sep, 2009
I'll try that Jen thanks
26 Sep, 2009
You're welcome Skillen. :o)
26 Sep, 2009
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This photo is of "acer palmatum disectum purpurea" in Junglejen's garden
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1 Aug, 2009