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Phlox 'white admiral' 4th Aug..09


By Motinot

Phlox 'white admiral'  4th Aug..09

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Hi Motinot,

Thank you for sending compliments on some of my photos - when I get a minute I have a lot more to upload of my garden this Summer.

I do love your photo of your statue above. I know you live in Ireland but here in the UK I had a smashing day out yesterday with my family when we all went to the Isle of Sheppy in Kent UK to buy some garden ornaments - the place is called 'Whelans' and if you look on the internet you will see their website. I came back with numerous statues and I already have some in the garden that I bought from there 10 years ago. I came back with about 9 in all. When I went last time I had so many that the boot of the estate car sunk down towards the ground by a few inches.

I've been looking at all of your photos and I do like your lovely plants that you grow in your garden - especially your Dahlias ! We have had such a dry summer here in the SE that I have had to water every day since early Summer. I have an awful lot of pots around my patio area so they need daily watering, dead heading and fortnightly feeding with 'Miracle Grow'. Regarding growing vegetables I also grow some of mine in pots and have been quite successful with Tomatoes, Courgettes, Runner Beans, Rubharb, Pumpkins and even Radishes.

Happy Gardening

Best Wishes,


6 Sep, 2009


Hi Amalfi.....Your garden sounds like mine....pots everywhere...My husband took away our old garden shed last was massive and rotting at the base.....In its place he built a large decked area.....its lovely and has steps up to it.....He asked me NOT to cover it with pots and i tried...i really did....theres hardly any walking space now and no room for anyone to sit........I've given lots of plants to family and friends and i'm hoping to get some veg going...(more pots lol).......So eventhough i love the ornaments...i dare not take anything more into the garden lol....I can just enjoy looking at yours..... Bye For Now
Motinot x (Anita)

6 Sep, 2009

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