The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

bouquet 1

bouquet 1

Well they are roses!
Thought i'd show you what I do when I'm NOT in the garden!

Comments on this photo


That's very pretty, do you do a lot of flower arranging Madperth ?

9 Aug, 2009


I did that for a friend's wedding, & I do it on & off, Louise

9 Aug, 2009


You clever devil its lovely......My daughter had this shape standing on top of huge tall glass vases that were filled with pink water and and weighted with coloured glass......they were lovely table decorations....

9 Aug, 2009


Sounds lovely! Thank you!

9 Aug, 2009


thats beautiful

10 Aug, 2009


Thanks Irish! I see the boys like it too but aren't saying anything! Lol!

10 Aug, 2009


lol aye they are holding back

10 Aug, 2009


Hee hee!

10 Aug, 2009


lovely mari and another bee in your bonnet, clever girlie

10 Aug, 2009


Thanks San, I like to try out different things.
I make these and jewellery & cards to sell, but haven't been selling anything lately, closed my ebay shop!

10 Aug, 2009


what a shame was that because of their higher charges mari, my step daughter says it was getting to much

10 Aug, 2009


Yes, they more than doubled!!
I might see about doing my own Website if I can link it to paypal!

10 Aug, 2009


sounds like a good idea mari, at least you wont have to pay anyone a cut, just something for web site i think, not sure really,would help you when at uni extra cash

10 Aug, 2009


You can get free sites!

10 Aug, 2009


really thats even better mari, go girl thats what i think,:o)

10 Aug, 2009



10 Aug, 2009


That's very clever mari. Ali mentioned these pics to me and being a typical bloke....well, I have to say, they look brill!

I'm impressed girl!

11 Aug, 2009


Thank you! :~)))

11 Aug, 2009


You're welcome. It's a talent and one which you are very good at. :0)

11 Aug, 2009


BTW, it's Marie!

11 Aug, 2009


Oops, sorry! ;0)

11 Aug, 2009


No worries, I don't really mind! LOL!

12 Aug, 2009

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