By Richardpeeej
- 16 Aug, 2009
Comments on this photo
Thanks alot Sandra I didn't realise that anemones grew quite so tall as I've not grown them before.
16 Aug, 2009
no i havent but yes quite tall, better in border or own pot i think
16 Aug, 2009
Yes very true I'll remember that one for next time. I was surprised that they are quite spindley and blow around a lot in the wind.
16 Aug, 2009
yes they are so pop a few together if in pot alone, suport eachother, maybe it will be stronger next year richard, try to keep it over winter or put in border
16 Aug, 2009
I wondered if the anemone would die back after flowering Sandra and I could just keep the bulb ( or is it corm?) in a paper bag and replant it next year. I have never grown them before so not really sure what to do with it !
16 Aug, 2009
i think it dies back, but would have to look that up to be sure richard, get back to you on that one :o)
back ..cut back the old flowers and foilage to 6" top dress in spring with general fertaliser, so thats that richard easy peesie lol ps. they come back year after year and grow up to 60"
17 Aug, 2009
OOO that is a bit tall Sandra! Thanks I will do that and keep them in a tallish pot. When I plant them out next year I'll put the pot on the ground instead of planting them in the shed windowbox as I won't be able to reach them lol.
17 Aug, 2009
i thought that was tall but thats what it said on the tag i found richard,
17 Aug, 2009
I wouldn't be surprised if they grow to 60" Sandra as they are about 24" tall already and this is their first year!
17 Aug, 2009
and they are in box so more room in border richard , so probably right
17 Aug, 2009
They're also called
19 Aug, 2009
Yes Sandra I need all the room I can get in the border as it is quite small !
I didn't know they were also called that WH !
19 Aug, 2009
Anemones are....not Marigolds! (see your 2nd comment down).
19 Aug, 2009
he`s talking about the flowers next to marigolds in the box WH
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks Sandra and WH , I understand now Doh! I'll put it down to getting old -I'll be 30 next birthday lol he he (tongue is changing colour!)
19 Aug, 2009
no you were right richard, its posted maigold but we were talking about anemones next to them, so no probs :o)
20 Aug, 2009
Thanks Sandra I must be still young then :-))
20 Aug, 2009
yep must be :o)
20 Aug, 2009
It's me that's getting old...can't see...where's me specs...oh, there they are...on my head! lol
20 Aug, 2009
lol W..H,,im as bad always asking where they are and on my head, stress!
20 Aug, 2009
The shed colour and marigolds look wonderful together Richard...Not too many Mr. Snails there...I could send you few families, if you
20 Aug, 2009
No thanks Motinot they will clash with the colour of my shed - but thanks for your kind offer indeed
20 Aug, 2009
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lovely flower box richard
16 Aug, 2009