anemone september charm
By Sanbaz

28 Aug, 2009
first flower opened today
Comments on this photo
thanx eileen :o)
28 Aug, 2009
Nice Sandra...complete with fly............
28 Aug, 2009
Agree with the girls Sandra.
28 Aug, 2009
lol milky i didnt see it at the time with the wind blowing it about
cheers carol
28 Aug, 2009
Beautiful colour pretty
28 Aug, 2009
Lovely pastel colour.
29 Aug, 2009
thanx morgana and TOG :o)
29 Aug, 2009
very pretty.
4 Sep, 2009
thanx sea... had seen quite a few members with this so went looking for it :o)
4 Sep, 2009
i will be lifting some more of it and some queen charlotte. would you like some come the spring?
4 Sep, 2009
oh yes please sea,,,, if thats ok :o))
4 Sep, 2009
of course but remind me in February if you've not had any.
4 Sep, 2009
ok will do and thanx :o)
4 Sep, 2009
nice colour Sandra - I sometimes press a few flowers and stick them in a book- its good to look at in the winter months when the garden is bare.
I press the flowers in a few sheets of tissue paper sandwiched between the pages of another book, which I then clamp in my vise. I put them on pages 50, 100, 150 etc as then I know where to find them again -lol
4 Sep, 2009
thanx richard and nice to press them, a good idea but dont have a vice, well i dont think we have, will ask baz :o) page numbers lol
5 Sep, 2009
You don't really need a vise Sandra you can put the flowers in the pages of a book, sandwiched with tissue paper, lay the book flat and put a weight on top of the book -it will work just as good.
5 Sep, 2009
may try that richard, when any more flowers open, not enough sun here at the moment, lots of buds but nothing happening :o(
6 Sep, 2009
I think the forcast for this week looks better especially from Wednesday Sandra
6 Sep, 2009
i do hope so richard, just need a bit of sun,, figures, why can it be 2 moz, im back in work thursday, oh well maybe i will have a bit of time wed afternoon
6 Sep, 2009
Its good you're having a few more days off tho to rest up Sandra
6 Sep, 2009
yes im defo going to have a lie in tomoz, i do try then the phone goes and end up just getting up,, but hope to take it easy till thursday,
6 Sep, 2009
that's great Sandra -will you have any flowers in your garden thro the winter time?
6 Sep, 2009
not sure richard, im not up on winter flowers, but im sure i will find something i like :o)) got some bulbs to plant into pots soon ready for spring, maybe some pansys and primulars they always look colourfull dont they,how about you?
6 Sep, 2009
I had some hyacinth bulbs last year with specially shaped bottles to keep them in-perhaps you know them. Well I kept them in the shed on the window sill and one night all of the bottles broke - every one it was when we had a heavy frost.I can't even remember where I put the bulbs now I expect I'll find them next spring lol
6 Sep, 2009
yes i know them richard, the glass isnt very thick is it,, i do like them so thats an idea thanx ,im sure they will pop up somewhere lol
6 Sep, 2009
the glass on them was very thin I expect they cracked when the water froze. I'll have to remember that one if I ever buy some more. I made some before from a clear plastic bottle. If you cut the top off the bottle and turn it upside down its just the right shape to hold a hyacinth bulb, then you can put that into the bottom part of the bottle ( ie cut off the bottom few inches of the bottle to rest it in) thrifty eh Sandra lol?
6 Sep, 2009
lol good thinking richard, well i will be using our spare room for over wintering plants just incase of frosts, but i have to remember not to have the heat on as hot in there , infact probably enough warmth from other rooms to keep that just right
6 Sep, 2009
yes I expect there must be Sandra :-)
6 Sep, 2009
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its lovely Sandra
28 Aug, 2009