lamium cuttings, named by seaburn....thanx
By Sanbaz

28 Aug, 2009
cuttings off a plant i got from seaburn.. but couldnt remember name, it grew really big so took some cuttings
Comments on this photo
i like the leaves but dont think it flowers does it richard
28 Aug, 2009
The leaves look a little bit like one of the coleuses Sandra
28 Aug, 2009
will look it up richard thanx
28 Aug, 2009
not sure richard, very similar
28 Aug, 2009
Sorry Sandra I have nt got a clue nice to see they have taken though
28 Aug, 2009
thanx morgana, i looked on seaburns.. pics but couldnt fine it, so maybe when she sees this it might get a name
29 Aug, 2009
Ok if I see it I will let you know
29 Aug, 2009
Have you tried to see if any one can id it on the garden questions, thats where I go.
29 Aug, 2009
good idea cheers :o)
29 Aug, 2009
Your welcome
29 Aug, 2009
hi it is Lamium, either a yelow flowered one called hermans pride. or a pale pink flowered one. if the leaf is bigger than 1-2 " its the yellow one.
4 Sep, 2009
there are photos in my plant lists. look up Lamium and you'll find all the full latin name etc. :o)
4 Sep, 2009
thanx sea, couldnt remember at all,:o)) think it must be the yellow one, leaves quite big
4 Sep, 2009
yes it is the yellow one. :o)
4 Sep, 2009
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We have this plant in our garden Sandra - can't think of its name though
28 Aug, 2009